Getting Published
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Getting Published

Acceptance policy Every effort will be made to provide a quick response to submitted papers.

To be considered for publication, submissions should meet the following criteria.

General papers should not normally exceed 30 pages. Reviews of individual articles should not normally exceed 4000 words, although literature surveys may be longer.

All submitted papers and reviews must contain an abstract not exceeding 100 words.

In all cases, papers should be concise and well-written. All submitted papers will be sent for refereeing. Accepted papers have to be supported by at least one referee. Where papers review an existing paper, the review will also be sent to the original author, offering the original author the chance to write a reply which may also be published in the journal. In such cases the article reviewed should be publicly accessible, either through journals, working paper series, published books, or electronic retrieval databases such as the one run by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). The specific date and/or issue of the original article, including the version number of the article if relevant, must be identified

Another condition of publication in the Review of Network Economics is that authors must assign copyright to the CRA International Pty Ltd. This enables the publisher to publish and disseminate the author's work to the fullest extent and to efficiently process requests for reproduction. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own works in other publications provided the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and CRA is notified in advance.

Submission instructions for authors

To submit an article, please e-mail it to the editor as a Word or pdf attachment, stating your name (with title), affiliation, and e-mail address. If relevant, also attach a copy of the article being reviewed as a pdf file. All correspondence will be through email and there is no charge for submission.

Style guidelines All papers to be published must be provided in MS Word format produced according to our style template. Authors should write their papers using our style template document downloading here. For those papers not already written using this style template, authors can covert to the required format using the downloadable template document which contains detailed instructions for use.



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